Sec. 4.7. Transitional Office Overlay (-TO)
4.7.1. Purpose
The Transitional Office A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. Overlay is established to allow an orderly transition of land use from residential use to relatively small-scale office A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. use of lots and parcels See “Lot of record.” fronting major roadways, while maintaining a predominantly residential property appearance and building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. scale.
4.7.2. Designation of Transitional Office Overlay
A. A Transitional Office A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. Overlay may only be established as a zoning map change in accordance with the requirements of Sec. 3.5, Zoning Map Change.
B. A Transitional Office A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. Overlay may be established in any residential base district, and may be established over more than one residential base district.
4.7.3. Permitted Uses
A. Any use permitted by right, subject to limitations, or through special use permit in the underlying base districts shall be permitted in the overlay.
B. The following uses or use categories shall be permitted in addition to the uses permitted in the underlying zoning district. No retail sales shall be permitted as a primary use in the overlay.
1. Upper-story residential;
2. Medical facilities (other than hospitals An institution providing human health services primarily for in-patient medical and surgical care for the physically or mentally sick and injured and including related support facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, staff offices, food services, and gift shop.);
4. Animal hospitals An institution providing human health services primarily for in-patient medical and surgical care for the physically or mentally sick and injured and including related support facilities such as laboratories, out-patient departments, staff offices, food services, and gift shop., veterinary clinics Establishments where humans receive treatment of illnesses or pregnancy, or examinations by a doctor, dentist, optician, psychologist, or other similar medical professional on an out-patient basis., animal boarding places (all without outdoor pens or runs);
5. Artist galleries;
6. Artist studios; and
7. Diet houses.
4.7.4. Special Development Standards
A. New buildings in the Transitional Office A room, group of rooms, or building whose primary use is the conduct of a business, professional service, or governmental activity of a non-retail nature; including administration, record keeping, clerical work, and similar functions. This definition is not meant to include manufacturing, processing, repair, or storage of materials or products. Overlay shall maintain a single-family A residential use consisting of one dwelling unit per lot of record. As described in Sec. 7.1, Housing Types, includes: single-family detached house; zero lot line house; traditional house; or attached house. Not to include manufactured housing. detached residential appearance and scale. Residential appearance and scale shall expressly include details from residential uses within 150 feet of the overlay area. Such details may include the following features:
1. Roof type, including extent of eaves, if any;
2. Porches or other similar articulation An emphasis given to architectural elements (including windows, balconies, porches, entries, etc.) to create a complementary rhythm or pattern; or modulation of building façades, massing, and detail to create variety. of the front façade;
3. Size, pattern and location of windows and doors; and
4. Garage or parking location.
B. The underlying district dimensional standards shall be met, except where expressly modified in this paragraph.
1. The maximum height of a new building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. shall be 35 feet.
2. The maximum length of a new building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. shall not exceed 80 feet.
3. The maximum floor area Area of enclosed (i.e. roofed and walled) built space, excluding any unfinished area used exclusively for storage or mechanical elements. of any nonresidential use in the overlay or aggregation of multiple nonresidential uses in a single building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. shall be 5,000 square feet.
C. All nonresidential activity (except that allowed within a residential district Any zoning district with the "R" designation, (RR, RS-20, etc.), including the PDR District.) shall occur within a completely enclosed building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable..
D. The residential appearance of buildings shall be furthered by the retention of street lawns free of vehicle All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. parking. All off-street parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. shall be located no closer to the principal street than the front building line The primary edge of a building closest to the street, side, and rear property lines, and extending from the physical edge of the building., regardless of any required yard A space on the same lot with a building or group of buildings, which space lies between the building or group of buildings and the nearest lot line. or building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. setback The minimum distance between a property line (or a different encumbrance, improvement, or feature as required within a specific regulation) and a building or structure..